Revolutionizing Sustainable Building Infrastructure

Transform your roof into an energy-generating powerhouse with our revolutionary Integrated Solar Roofing System (ISRS)

Community Powering Concept
Melanized Integrated Solar Roofing System


Maximum Output



Efficiency Rate




Power Generated


CO2 Reduced


Advanced Solar Integration

Our proprietary ISRS technology combines innovative design with cutting-edge materials for maximum performance

400-600W Output

Industry-leading power generation for maximum energy efficiency

Smart Monitoring

Real-time performance tracking and optimization

Weather-Tight Design

Superior protection against all weather conditions

Modular System

Expandable design allows easy upgrades and maintenance. Add capacity as your energy needs grow.

25-30 Year Lifespan

Built to last with premium materials and superior engineering. Backed by comprehensive warranty.

Aesthetic Integration

Seamlessly blends with your roof design. No compromise between performance and aesthetics.

Global Energy Challenge

789 million people lack access to electricity worldwide.


Global Solar Market by 2026


Annual Market Growth


People Without Electricity

Be Part of the Solution

Trusted by Industry Leaders

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